English Portion
- Choose the most straightforward answer
- Read the whole paragraph before looking at answers
- “No change” is the correct answer around 30% of the time that it is an option, so don’t be afraid to choose it but do so cautiously.
Math Portion
- Pay attention to visual aids in order to eliminate unrealistic answers
- Plug in answers or work backwards
Reading Portion
- Skim passages by reading the introduction and conclusion, as well as the topic and closing sentences of each paragraph.
- Start with what genre of passage you understand the best (prose fiction, social science, humanities or natural science)
Science Portion
- Do the Conflicting Viewpoints section last. This is the part that asks you to read two or three passages and compare and contrast the ideas in them.
- Ignore the difficult vocab and instead analyze the visual aids.
Overall tips
- Skip over problems you struggle with and come back to them later.
- Use process of elimination
- Do a whole page of problems, or a whole passage in reading and science, and then bubble in the answers for that page.
- Do not second guess yourself, your first answer is normally correct.