Making smart financial decisions isn’t always easy for everyone, especially the first time around without knowledge.
Personal Finance has become a required class for all grades to take before graduating, and it provides financial knowledge and a handful of helpful facts about several different financial topics.
“The personal finance class is important because it gives the students an idea of financial literacy, an understanding of how mortgage works, or budgeting, or even how to finance a car,” Principal Jeff Linden said.
The class covers a wide variety of topics, all surrounding finances, and teaches students how to budget properly and make smart decisions with their income.
“I personally think It’s a good adjustment, I think that even if I took it in high school it would have benefited me, which I’m sure many parents would agree with,” Linden said.
The Nebraska State Board of Education mandated last school year of 2023-2024 that the class be taken before the time of graduation.
“Last year was the first year that it was mandated that all seniors had to graduate with the personal finance class being taken,” Linden said. “It’s so they can have all that important financial literacy and understanding of financial responsibilities.”
The class is one required semester, consisting of different chapters, documentaries, study games, and tests to benefit students.
“The class is definitely a benefit to students, helping them learn about finances, and I’ve helped a few students who have taken or are taking the class and the material seems pretty good to get a general idea of financial smarts,” English teacher Emily Thomas said.
There are many different informative classes much like personal finance at HHS that cover a wide variety of topics for every student’s interest.
“Having the basis of knowledge for all those things, especially as you’re graduating can be extremely helpful in life. I’m not sure students would take the class if it wasn’t now mandated, so that’s good,” Thomas said.
Credit cards, debt, mortgages, and many other things can seem intimidating after graduating and moving on to life after high school.
“It would have been great to have the class mandated from the start, it would have helped me a lot,” Thomas said. “Learning how money works, loans and other finances would have been a good thing to add when I was in high school.”
Having this class and giving students the opportunity to take it has been a benefit for students and teachers.
“The class teaches students a lot about taking ownership of their lives, and it really gives them a good direction for the future,” Personal Finance teacher Gabe Haynes said.
Haynes is currently teaching the Personal Finance class, along with Mr. Martinez and Mr. Gueswell.
“My personal favorite to teach in this class is the housing and real estate lessons. That’s where I was at recently in life, so I have experience in being a consumer and purchasing my own house,” Haynes said.
Purchasing a home for the first time is a big decision to make. The class leads you through all of the steps and how to determine what is the best decision for you.
“I am very positive about students taking the Personal Finance course and how it’s required now. I took the class in high school, and it’s very different and even more helpful,” Haynes said.
Personal Finance is an important class to take if someone is interested in anything dealing with finances, housing, retirement, etc. This class covers subjects thoroughly and gives real-life examples to help students.
“I’m really excited for my kids to eventually take the course and be able to avoid financial mistakes and be aware of any if they do, financial responsibility is very important,” Haynes said.