Hastings High School will be getting an athletic training class next year.
After talking about it for a few years, athletic trainer Ashley Conrad plans to have the class every Monday during first period.
“The school just changed their health pathways curriculum, so we had to wait until that was changed in order to see where this class would fit,” Conrad said.
Since the students have already registered for next year’s class, it won’t be open to new members just yet.
“So far I have five, and those are the five that are currently in the program,” Conrad said.
Those already in the program are students who volunteer to come after school to help with practices and games.
“They are learning how to tape, wound care, ice/heat, and game coverage. We are just transferring all that they do in the after school program to school credit,” Conrad said.
There are many requirements to be in the athletic training class. Since it is not a normal 80 minute lecture class, it is set up into two parts.
“The lecture would be considered a period one class, so 7:15 to about 8 am, where we are just talking about the material. Then, the after school portion is very similar to what the program is now, but we are going to structure it more so it’s like a lab setting,” Conrad said.
Some other requirements for the students interested to join the class in the future included applying with references to be accepted into the program.
“Through the references, I email them and make sure that person is a good candidate, then we talk about their availability; they have to be available for one sport season and five to six hours a week,” Conrad said.
Although Conrad herself is excited to start this new chapter in athletic training, she is more excited for the students.
“I think it’s a good opportunity for kids to do something different,” Conrad said.