“Ring, ring, ring!” is the sound that an average high school student wakes up to every morning. Not every student wakes up to an alarm, but to the sound of a whistle, water splashing or the sound of cheering teammates.
School schedules can be horrendous. Some kids’ days can go on for ever.
It varies from before school activities, to after school activities, or just some plain and simple alone time for homework or even a family bonding,
sophomore Will Parker
Sophomore Will Parker is one busy student. His days often last more than 16 hours.
“I am up and ready by 5:45 a.m. everyday until after 11:00 at night,” said Parker. Parker is not only a student but an athlete.
“Being an Honors student and a swimmer running on very little sleep time is very stressful,” Parker said.
sophomore Melissa Espinoza
Not every student is stressed about their day to day school schedule.
“My schedule is long and hard, but not stressful because I have gotten used to it, ” sophomore Melissa Espinoza said. Espinoza is a cheerleader, student, volleyball player, and a soccer player.
“I wake up every morning, go to cheer practice, finish the school day then right away I go to volleyball practice, somedays I have soccer practice right after volleyball.”
From long school days, to a hard practice or even a strenuous study hour, being prepared for school classes is what keeps kids on track, and to form what kind of student they intend to be.
Teacher Mrs. Karr
Long School days can be hard and stressful to deal with. Teacher Mrs. Karr gives advice on how to manage a busy schedule.
“List what needs to be done and order your priorities, and be sure to get lots of rest!” Said Karr.
Tips are always good to keep kids aware that in order to do sports, extra activities, or to have alone time that time is always important. There are only 24 hours in a day and some people are just jammed packed with busy schedules. Keeping busy is good, but taking a break everyone once and awhile is a key component to everyones life.