In preparation for State Cheer and Dance later this month, the Tigerettes competed at the Centura High...
A new show choir at Hastings High directed by Jon Marquez will feature both singing and dancing....
At Hastings High there is a group known as FMP – the Freshman Mentoring Program. This group...
In November 2015, a set of sisters at Hastings High started a fashion website known as Pair...
This upcoming election is most definitely one for the books. With Republican nominee Donald Trump- who some...
Whether it is a professional, college or high school game, if the fans are loud enough it...
Last year the Hastings High marching band received a superior at state and as the new school...
If you could attend a new school for a year, would you? If the answer is yes,...
Imagine stepping foot into a monstrous circle of people, filled to the rim with other people, dancing...