S tier – No Christmas season is complete without these classic Christmas movies! You are sure to indulge in yuletide cheer after seeing these classic, or modern classic movies that fit right in with Christmas! To do without would be stunting your Christmas enjoyment!
A tier – These movies are in no way bad movies, they just lack that special quality to ensure that they get pushed into their S tier counterparts. These movies are still totally enjoyable, and no doubt fun to sit down and watch, but go to watch the higher ones first.
B tier – These movies are still great, but sometimes don’t fully deliver on their Christmas spirit or message. Though they are great movies, don’t go in fully expecting a Christmas-centered movie; expect a movie that has Christmas as a side topic.
C Tier – These movies begin to reek of mediocrity. Though there aren’t many on the list that embody this feature, they simply don’t carry much enjoyment outside of a quick watch.
D Tier – These movies stink. There’s not much else to say about them. Going into them, you know that they won’t be great in exhibiting Christmas cheer, nor will it show excellent screenwriting or camerawork, but that’s okay. If you hold any of these movies dear to you, you shouldn’t be offended.
F Tier – These movies are absolutely awful. Unless you have lots of friends over and are looking to laugh at how horrible they are, I highly recommend you stray away from them.