December 28, 2024

1 thought on “English Language Perceivers

  1. This is amazingly hard work well done! I remember a lot of similar stories from Denver kids, especially in tough circumstances like Credit Recovery (online makeup classes for those failing & flunking) and this article was such a tender reminder that when I think my ELL students are just spacing off or unmotivated, their home lives are darkly miserable (everyone’s working too many hours, tired & grumpy, and all the drama of poverty) and they’re probably watching soccer or something distracting just because they need a break from constant academic heaviness. You’ve done a divine service sharing their stories and the rest of us who live very comfortably by comparison so easily forget how hard-working migrant children really are because their survival depends on it. I’m not ashamed that my 2 years of high school Spanish only stretched so far, but I try to make a conscious effort to welcome those ELL students with what little Spanish I know (and G-Translate for the rest) to make them feel welcomed when they’re probably feeling confused and overwhelmed coming into our schools. Bravo for representing the best of HHS with your labors of love in journalism, showing us human kindness and compassion at its finest!

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