According to the information provided by principal Jay Opperman, freshmen have the most failing grades of any year at Hastings High. Whether it is a math, science, English, or even a foreign language class, a failing grade will not look good to colleges or employers. Apathy is probably the most popular response as to why students refuse to show any interest, but the truth is there are many reasons as to why students fail. And some may be out of a student’s control.
A student who does not see that he or she is capable of succeeding will not succeed. It is the lack of motivation that makes students not do their best in class. Regardless of what class it is, students that have no motivation do not see any value or the significance in any class. This causes them not to pay attention or not take the class as seriously as they should. However, if students begin realize how the course will fit in with their goals or interests, teachers will see an increase in participation in the class and higher grades.
Failure is also caused by the bad decisions high school students make. The choice of friends can impact the life of high school students depending on which road they take. Often a student will befriend a group of people who do not care about their education. In that case those friends would influence the student, decreasing his or her interest in school. In other words, parents should keep a careful eye on whom their children surround themselves with if they want them to do well in school.
If students do not see what they will be able to gain from the course, they will see that the class is not worth their time. For instance, if an assignment would not affect their grade in any way, the student would feel obligated to not do the assignment.
Students who do not ask for help when it is needed are more than likely to fail. Most students are too shy or too embarrassed to ask questions, so this is the reason they do not put effort into their work. Teachers are meant to help students to understand the lessons they teach. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help.
Organization is the key to success. A messy folder, locker, or backpack will only become the Bermuda Triangle where all is lost. A student should sit down and take time to organize everything so that it is easy to find an assignment. However, a student should not stop there. Creating a schedule can keep him or her stress free by making time to do things that are most important first. Writing assignments down when assignments are due and when they are due will help avoid any late or incomplete work. Organizing will help students stay on track with assignments.
Whatever the reason is that students are failing, it is important to address the problem and resolve it. Having failing grades in high school is not good for anyone and will not be tolerated. If students begin to ask questions, stay organized, study more, and set their goals for the future, Hastings High would see students’ grades rise again.