Vicious and evil old ladies might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but a play about vicious and evil old ladies killing people?
That’s a production that shouldn’t be turned down.
The Hastings Senior High Theatre Department is putting on the play, Arsenic and Old Lace.
Although the plot of this play is a bit unusual, it is still a production nobody will want to miss. From spinster aunts to plastic surgery, there won’t be a dull moment to watch.
Sophomore Grace Clawson has an important, yet small role. One of her main tasks is to reveal the identity of a murderer.
“My role is a smaller part, but it is still crucial because I am a plot device,” Clawson said.
Something most people don’t understand is that a cast and crew is made up of several people, each having specific tasks.
“I usually help paint stuff, but sometimes I do whatever the director, Mrs. Funkey, wants me to do,” freshman crew member Melody Boyles said
Because of the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. work calls that took place on many Saturdays, the cast and crew has formed a special bond.
“Theatre is unique because everyone is equal. The freshmen aren’t looked down on,” freshman set designer Adrianna Hoskins said.
So bring a friend, a parent, a great uncle, an elderly neighbor, or even a pet rock to Arsenic and Old Lace.
“Everyone should come see the play because its super funny. It will be a good time,” sophomore Zack Specht said.
Attendees are also encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to donate to the Hastings Food pantry for theatre’s annual service project, Trick or Treat so Kids Can Eat.
Performance times:
November 7 & 8 @ 7:30 p.m.
November 9 @ 2:30 p.m.
Tickets available at the door
Students – $4,
Adults – $7
For more information call (402) 461 – 7550
Hastings Senior High School Auditorium – 1100 W 14th St.