The first day of high school can be hard for freshmen and managing an all new schedule adds to the challenge.
The new block schedule, which was implemented 2nd semester last year, was put into full swing at the start of this year. The upperclassmen had a chance to test run the schedule last year, but for freshmen this was something they had never seen before.
Conor Laux said that the NESA testing schedule they had at the middle school helped him because he had seen something similar to the block schedule.
I asked Conor what he thought about the longer classes he replied, “Some classes can be really long and others go by fast, it really just depends.” Some students think that 85 minutes is just too long to sit in one class.
“If the teachers don’t sit and talk for the whole period it’s usually fine,” Ben Howie said.
This year’s schedule had a few changes from the trial schedule last year. Friday is no longer a day where you go to all your classes. Instead each week alternates between orange and black, Wednesdays now have normal length periods, and dismissal time was upped to 3:30.
Regardless, the schedule will remain in place as staff and administration hopes to help students raise grades and focus on school.