In the autumn of 1976, eight-year-old Greg Mays made a new start by transferring from Alcott Elementary to Longfellow, where he met a friend, Ann Stewart. Eight years later, as they worked together on the school newspaper, their friendship deepened and eventually became inseparable. Seven years after that, they exchanged vows and became Mr. and Mrs. Mays, embarking on a journey of love and adventure for over 30 years.
For the past 16 years, Mr. and Mrs. Mays have taught in the same building where they fell in love, Hastings High School. Mr. Mays teaches senior English while Mrs. Mays teaches AP American History and Human and Civil Rights Studies. During their time at HHS as students, they spent much of their time together producing the school’s newspaper and their friendship grew into a bond that has lasted to this day.
“I remember we were creating photographs in the Darkroom and we’re sitting there just talking and I started thinking to myself ‘Wow, this is a girl I can marry,’” Greg said.
The two started dating in the summer of their senior year in college. Greg attended Hastings College and Ann attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Both did not own a car, so Greg would borrow Ann’s dad’s car to see her. Even though they did not start dating until college, they both had feelings for one another in high school.
“In our World Literature class, we each had to explain an assigned poem. Greg was given E.E Cummings ‘Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town’ and I had read the poem before and thought it made no sense. But, his explanation opened my eyes to its beauty and meaning. I remember saying to myself ‘That guy, that guy is the one for me,’” Ann said.
In 1991, the 23-year-olds decided to get married. For their honeymoon, they went on a six-week road trip through the west coast, from San Diego, California to Vancouver, Canada.
“We slept in our truck for six weeks. It was the best trip we’ve done. Our brakes stopped working in the mountains of Canada, so we used all the money we had left to fix them and come back home,” Greg said. “I think every couple should do that,” Ann said.
Through the years, Ann and Greg have developed their own language, making it easier to teach in the same building. They said they do not have many friends and that they’re loners, but they like to be loners together.
“I can’t imagine not working in the same building, I don’t think I would work if it didn’t mean us working in the same building. I forget that other spouses don’t work together. We are spoiled and we are rare,” Ann said
Mr. and Mrs. Mays have a family of 6, including, Zoe, Ryder, Emma, and junior Hayden Mays. Their story began in an elementary school and continues as teachers at HHS.
“You have got to make sure that your partner truly is your favorite person, that they’re your best friend. That you could spend every minute of every day with them. The butterflies in your stomach leave at some point and they should. Greg is my best friend.” Ann said.
Loved reading your story! Friends make the best spouses!