Hastings Senior High vs. Papst Johannes XXIII
The Italian “Papst Johannes XXIII” school is a small school with around 600 students in Cologne. In contrast Hastings Senior High School is much bigger with around 1,100 people.
One advantage is that everyone knows everyone, but they try to make them bigger, because they have a lot of applicants for the school. Papst Johannes XXIII (PJGS) is a private school and when students arrive after Elementary school they begin learning Italian from the 5th grade. Students can choose not to take it but must choose from cooking and technology courses.
Here at HHS you must take at least two years of another language either Spanish, French or German, but some colleges want you take four years of a foreign language.
In Germany they have a lot of different subjects we only have the math. We cannot choose from pre-calculus, Algebra I & II or probability/statistics. We don’t have options like pottery.
We are going to church at the beginning and end of the year. Since my school is small and we do not have lockers we only have an open box where our books are in so we must take care of it, so no one take our books. Our school starts at 8:00 and our first break is at 9:30. Then we have a 25 minute break where everyone eats their breakfast what we bring to school and whatever we want to drink or we can go outside on the court, it’s our decision.
Students at HHS can’t bring their own food.They are only allowed water in clear bottles.We have no school ID, here you must wear it. When you are sick, the day when you are healthy bring a letter from your parents or from a doctor, but you need an excuse, if you don’t have one you get the hours on your certificate, but it’s not important to do homework. In Hastings you must call the school when you are not able to go to school and you have to rework the homework that you missed. In Germany we don’t have a police officer in the school. If the student doesn’t live in town, then they go to the bus station in the town, and every morning the bus takes you to school. Here the students come in a car or by foot. In Germany you can bring you backpack in class. At HHS you’re not allowed to bring your backpack. All in one, both schools are unique.
Hi Lu, very nice at least to read something from you. I’m so sad that I can’t see you over such a Long period :-(. Missed you very much on your fathers Party last Weekend !!
Wish you all the best for the next months