Procrastination is something that people of all ages struggle with at some point in their lives; it is an especially unfavorable habit for students. According to the American Psychological Institution, 80 to 95 percent of teenage students procrastinate daily on academic work, and one in five people are chronic procrastinators. The question remains: how can society finally kick the bad habit and be on top of their work? There are several solutions to break the “I’ll do it tomorrow” mentality.
1. Change the environment.
Instead of working in your room late at night, go to a local coffee shop during the day. You can enjoy a nice drink or muffin while doing your work.
2. Reward progress.
Every time you achieve a difficult task, go out with your friends or watch an episode of your favorite TV show.
3. Keep a journal.
Keeping a journal of what goes on during your day makes you feel more productive, which in turn makes you be more productive. You can write things that you’re disappointed in and things that you are proud of.
4. Distance yourself from technology.
If you have a screen time option on your phone, set it. If not, try to power your phone off or keep it in another room while you finish your work.
5. Break your work into smaller sections.
For example, if you have a large reading assignment to do, read 10 pages every hour.
6. Get a friend to work with.
Invite a friend over to do homework with you, and you can push each other to work.
7. Set your own deadlines.
If you have an essay due one day, pretend like it’s due the day before. This way, you’ll get your work done without the pressure of time, and it’ll most likely be of higher quality.
8. Create “gateway habits”.
This means that you should try creating habits that will lead you to your final goal. For example, if your goal is to read every night, then you should start by reading one page every night.
9. Just do it.
Commit and get it done. Consider reading this as your sign to finish that one thing you’ve been putting off.