The Hastings Senior High Improv Club meets every Wednesday at 4:00 pm in the auditorium. The club is a fast-paced activity that requires the correspondent to think quickly and precisely.
The Hastings High improv club is open to everybody, no matter what grade the student is in.
“It’s a very fun club. The people in there are all very nice and, it doesn’t matter if you are not good in theater you can join anyway,” Logan Vraspir, a junior at Hastings Senior High and vice president of Improv, said.
Students at Hastings High have many different options when it comes to joining a club and many different opportunities to gain from the various activities.
“I think that people should attend improv because it’s an overall fun activity and because you get to see different sides of the people you participate with,” said Jonah Fagiolo, president of the improv club, and junior at Hastings Senior High.
Improv Club provides the ability to become more sufficient in your reacting and processing skills.
“Teachers are always asking students to discuss and share their thoughts in class without much time to plan ahead. Improv is an awesome way to practice talking off the top of your head. It can make class discussions and presentations much more comfortable for students,” Katie Funkey, club sponsor of improv said
A struggle with students is the lack of comfort in front of others when presenting a project, with the help of improv, students can grow more accustomed to the unfamiliar environment.
“It helps academically in the sense that in classes such as comm arts it helps people be more comfortable on stage,” Fagiolo said.
These benefits of this club do not end with high school, the skills can be used for future academics and careers alike.
“Improv asks students to do unexpected things under pressure. I have had many current and former improvisers tell me that after improv, they feel like they can take on just about anything.” Funkey said.
In improv, a member is not forced to partake in specific classes in order to show up.
“There are no prerequisites or experience necessary. If someone is willing to put themselves out there and try a new thing will fit in and have fun.” Funkey said.