Four Hastings High School teams competed today at the district ESU-9 quiz bowl competition taking place at North Shore Church. The teams were comprised of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, respectively.
The team consisting of juniors, Hadyn Jones, Kendal Jones, Isaiah Brant, Davis Turpen, Moses Dunbar, Ashton Braun, Kate Askey, and Iann Johnson, won the competition and, in doing so, qualified for the state competition in Holdrege, NE later this year. The team managed to come back from the losers’ bracket to beat undefeated Superior twice in the championship round and win the tournament.
A total of 22 rounds and 127 matches were played in the competition. The HHS freshman team was eliminated in the 15th round and the 113th match of the day. The senior team was eliminated in the 16th round and the 116th match of the day. The sophomore team was eliminated in the 18th round and the 122nd match of the day.
Every team that competed for HHS finished in the top half of the 37 total teams that participated in the event.