Hard work equals success. Success equals happiness.
The Science club helped with a small, yet incredibly important form of community service.
“Kids Against Hunger” is a group run by people in the community. They help kids and families in other countries have food.
Kids Against Hunger asks anyone in the community to help make bagged meals that can be easily transported, never spoil, are easy to cook, and full of nutrition to help build strong bones and smiles.
The science Club has been asked every year to help make these meals, and it only takes two hours and lots of working hands.
Club members like the event because they are helping others.
“It’s a lot of fun to be with your friends while measuring and packing food for those who need it most. It feels great to be helping those in need,” sophomore Savannah DeBoer said.
Each bag that is made has six meals in it to feed one person for at least 6 six days, or a family for one day.
After two hard working hours science club members helped make over 10,200 meals.
“I really did enjoy learning and helping all those people in need. It’s crazy that in just one bag it is full of all the nutrients a person needs,“ sophomore Alex Pedroza said.
Giving back is one easy step anyone can do to simply make a difference.
“I think it’s a great way to give back and of course helping all of those families is a good feeling. I’m glad they asked Science Club to help every year,” junior Jacynda Aulrich said.
Little, by little students are able to do their part to fight against world hunger.