Chelby Schlichtman, the newest addition to the art department at Hastings High, is teaching Pottery, Beginning Painting and Art Fundamentals 1 and 2.
Schlictman has always been a creative person and enjoys creating art in many different forms. She is excited to pass her knowledge and love of the hobby to students.
“I have always enjoyed creating things using multiple types of mediums. I like the ability to express myself freely,” Schlictman said.
As an artist, Schlictman works hard to ensure that she has her own style and connection to her art.
“I feel a personal connection with any piece of art I create. It is an expression of myself, and if there is ever a time I don’t feel connected to something I have created, that is the day I will start to worry,” Schlictman said.
Connection to her art proves important to Schlictman as she feels that the artist’s relation to the work is part of the artwork itself.
Not only does Schlictman say she enjoys creating art of her own, but she loves looking at art as a hobby.
“I am really drawn to Art Deco and Art Nouveau. As for a specific artist, I am drawn to work done by Georgia O’Keefe and Monet,” Schlictman said.
Even though Schlictman teaches art, she still enjoys doing art in her free time on a consistent basis.
“ I have always enjoyed art. I remember drawing on my walls during my “nap” time or doodling on some scratch piece of paper whenever I was bored. I usually have something I am working on or I have an idea for something I would like to do,” Schlictman said.
Schlictman’s view of art is one that is shared by many, in that art is constantly evolving.
“I believe art has evolved in recent years. I believe it will always evolve. Art is a form of expression and each generation has expressed their history/ life situations through their work. I feel like each generation will continue to do so, and it is up to each individual to decide if the works created are positive or negative,” Schilctman said.
Art is clearly a large part of Schlictman’s life, and she is hoping to communicate that through her curriculum to students at Hastings High.