Walking into a classroom or into the office, students will discover that there are new teachers that have started their teaching careers or that filled in for another.
“I always wanted to work with teenagers and help them out,” Special Education teacher Nick Drake said.
He began his first full time teaching job this year. Drake has been a part of Hastings High for five years and is already known for coaching basketball as well as being a para.
“I love coaching basketball, but in the future I would like to move up to coach football,” Drake said.
In talk about the future, Drake would like to remain at HHS because he is satisfied with what he is doing and where he is.
“I like where I am right now, I like helping out and I think that I am going to be here for awhile,” Drake said.
Former football coach Rick Ripperger has been appointed as assistant principal this year. Before this new position, Ripperger was the weights teacher.
“I applied for the position and I took the job to keep doors open,” Ripperger said.
During his college life, it was not until his second year that he wanted to be a teacher. But before coaching happened, Ripperger taught social studies for ten years. However, one of the main reasons Ripperger chose to apply for assistant principal was to be able to have more time for his family.
“I want to be able to see my daughter, Kelsey, play volleyball,” Ripperger said.
As for his future here at HHS, Ripperger would like to remain where he is for as long as he can.
In the physical education department, 23-year-old Brian Itzen was recruited as the new P.E teacher. Itzen graduated from the University of Kearney and was just recently married New Year’s Eve. Unlike some teachers that changed their mind during their college career, Itzen was always sure that he wanted to be a teacher.
“I always wanted to be a teacher since high school and I feel like I have landed my dream job,” Itzen said.
Besides being a physical education teacher, Itzen is also the assistant football coach and will be coaching girls track this spring. Outside his school life, Itzen enjoys playing golf and remodeling with his wife.
Another new teacher, Mike Robinson, has been added to the math department as Algebra I teacher. Robinson spent two years in college in Kansas, then transferred to Midland University in Fremont, and received his Bachelor and Masters degrees at Northern Arizona University.
“At first I wanted to be an actuarial science teacher, which is the study of probability and statistics and how they apply to real world situations,” said Robinson.
On his free time Robinson likes to do construction and would like run more marathons in his life. He would like remain as an HHS teacher for a while.
Katie Shepard was brought in as the new German teacher in January and is enjoying every minute of it. Shepard graduated from the University of West Virginia and had five different majors that included taking German language classes.
“It was not till the last semester when I chose German,” Shepard said.
Shepard always thought she would be a teacher at a University, but found out she was happy as a high school teacher. Besides teaching, Shepard likes to run and even participates in races. She also enjoys writing and would day like to publish a book about her experiences and research to help others. But she really looks forward to having a family.
“I want to raise a good family,” Shepard said.
These teachers have worked hard for several years to get where they are, but they never complained because they love what they do and want to be able to help others. Their hard work and dedication to HHS will take them far in the future.
Thank you for reporting who is new to the faculty at Hastings Senior High School. As a parent, it’s important to know
whose is new to the school and who has experience working for a long time in Education. Including, teachers who
have passion for the students. I would like to suggest having pictures of the new faculty which would be helpful. Otherwise,
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