Untied States’ citizens are entitled to many rights and freedoms, but most of these are often taken for granted. In reality, a person can live in the United States and have limited rights and freedoms, or even none at all.
People who have immigrated to the United States legally enjoy some of the things citizens have, such as having a job and a driver’s license, but there are also an undocumented amount of people who have immigrated illegally, and don’t have any of that. To them, America might be a far cry from the America everyone else knows and appreciates. A future for their children can look pretty dim.
But now, thanks to the new Immigration Act, these children are one step closer to a future that looks a lot brighter. As of June 15, any person that is under the age of 31, and was brought to the United States when they were less than 16 years old, can apply to live and work legally in the country.
This is exciting news for many young adults, including ones at Hastings High. Junior Diana Chavez is in agreement.
“It’s a really neat deal because people who were brought here when they were young can now feel like they belong to this country,” she said.
However, this happy news doesn’t come without a disappointing side either. Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman has decided that he will not put the Immigration Act into effect for Nebraskans. This means that young adults living in the state that previously qualified for the act’s benefits cannot apply.
Ms. Denise Teetor teaches ELL (English Language Learners) at Hastings High. This is an issue that she feels is very important as it concerns many of her students. She disagrees with Heineman’s decision.
“I am opposed to what the governor said,” she said. “It’s ridiculous that he is not even allowing these kids to get a driver’s license.”
She feels that there are some things that the state should do differently.
“They’re just not willing to bend. They follow the law but they only follow it to the bare minimum. Nebraska really needs to step up,” she said.
Over all, though, people are pleased with the Immigration Act and excited for the young adults that will benefit from it.
Teetor is looking forward to the positive effect this will have on her students. “Before, they would work hard, graduate, and go to college, but then they wouldn’t be able to do anything else. Now they can use that and actually get a job.”
Chavez has a very similar point of view
“It’s a good deal for the people who qualify because they can get a job,” she said.
This news comes as a welcome sigh of relief for a lot of people. It is helping so many of them to get another step closer toward their dream of living and working in the United States, and ultimately becoming citizens.
“I could have just said one word for all of this: huge,” Teetor said. “That’s what it is. It’s huge.”