Not only is the Sea of Red visible on game days in Nebraska, but 76% of the population is right wing republican. With more than half the population being republican there’s a lot of pressure to conform and to not speak out. Living in such a heavily conservative state sometimes, democrat or liberal is a dirty word.
Senior Macie Clawson, under the support of History teacher Ann Mays, created this club for young democrats who don’t want to commit to the work-load of debate and who don’t feel comfortable arguing in front of people over the issues they support.
“I want to give the minority voice a chance to be heard,” President Macie Clawson says.
Though it’s a National club, Hastings Senior High is the only school in the district to have a High School Democrats of America (HSDA). To register check out to be put on the mailing list, and be kept up to date on the latest topics and volunteer work. Also, don’t forget to like the facebook page to stay informed.
High school Democratic Association (HSDA) meets every other Monday before school at 7:30 in Mrs. Mays’, Room ***. Any questions or concerns Macie Clawson is more than happy to help! Email: