As student council just wrapped up Trunk or Treat, some new things are set in motion for Hastings High.
Student council is a service-type organization, it helps to serve the student body and the community. It also offers students leadership roles so they can take charge of different activities and help organize.
“I think student council really helped me become a part of the student body and part of the student culture,” senior president, Joshua Torres said.
This year’s student council has 35 students with Jim Fielder as the advisor. Fielder has been the advisor for the past 24 years. Recently Trunk or Treat was held at the Hastings High School parking lot, with over 250 kids attending and 26 trunks from students. There is also a plan for another school dance in early January called the Make-A-Wish dance. The dance has been canceled in previous years.
“It will be more casual and after a basketball game, so it’s not going to be as long, because I feel like people don’t really like to stay at homecoming since it’s three hours. So this dance is like an hour, something shorter,” a four-year council member, Charli Coil, said.
Throughout the basketball season, members will raise money for the cost of the dance through fundraising and whatever is leftover will go towards Make-A-Wish. Make-A-Wish grants the wish of a child diagnosed with a critical illness. Coil will also help to plan powderpuff during TWERP week leading up to prom.
“Powderpuff is juniors and seniors, hopefully in the future we will get more classes in it, but it is kinda difficult to do when everyone is in sports and some coaches don’t want them playing football,” Coil said.
In previous years, the council has been involved with a lot of servicing the community. Some are packing food for hands against hunger, reading at elementary schools, and going to retirement centers to play bingo.
“It is a number of different things we do and it’s an important part of every person, being able to give back to where they are at,” Fielder said.