Nathan Morrow
Age when tattoo was done: 17
He described it as the eye of god watching over him.
Dennis Maar
Age when tattoo was done: 16
Dennis, his sister, and their friends all got the same tattoo to signify their unity and friendship.
Kaleb Neugin
Age when tattoo was done: 16
Steven Gomez
Age when tattoo was done: 15
Steven got his tattoo after his cousin died.
Brady Chase
Age when tattoo was done: 12
Brady said his tattoo represents his love for his family
Errich Holston
Age when tattoo was done: 17Alex Lara
Age when tattoo was done:12
Jesse Scott
Age when tattoo was done:13
Jesse’s tattoo depicts 3 roses, each one representing one member of his immediate and close family members. Deon Lyle
Age when tattoo was done: 15 Samantha Hopkins
Age when tattoo was done: 16
The main flock of birds shown in Sam’s tattoo represents her past and the lone bird flying from the flock shows that she keeps moving forward.
Raven Hill
Age when tattoo was done: 15