With the implement of a new weights program at the beginning of the second semester last year. The weights coach Dave Hepner had this to say “I don’t think its better I think its different it allows for more unification throughout the whole school so we can get on the same page .” He believes that the students and athletes are responding well to the change, “I think the young kids are really excited about it the old ones resisting change is something that a lot of the older kids still do.” Zane Bender “ it’s a lot different than what i was used to, but its nice.” “ It’s more of a consistent workout and I like it.”
The new block schedule doesn’t really affect the class too much explains Hepner, “Thats the good thing about this is you can kind of tweak it to the way you want it in terms of conditioning, and you only have to do 2 core lifts per day and you can do up to 3 core lifts so it works out pretty well with our schedule.”
Overall he says that he is seeing improvement in the students and athletes, “ I think the energy is a lot better i think you can just tell that kids are more excited because everybody is doing the same thing.” Zane Bender says that he has seen improvement in himself since Bigger Faster Stronger was put it in. With a bench press of 170 pounds and a squat of 250 Bender enjoys going to weights.